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International PCA

What is ICATA?


It is a federation of national associations promoting training and supervision in the practice of CAT from Australia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, India and Hong Kong and United Kingdom. We look forward to more countries joining in.


What does ICATA aim to do?


Develop knowledge and use of Cognitive Analytic Therapy internationally. Support training and supervision internationally. Oversee national accreditation programmes and procedures.


Where has CAT developed?


Cognitive Analytic Therapy is most established in the UK where it has developed from the work of Dr Anthony Ryle and colleagues since the 1980’s supported by the work of the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy. There are 900 members of ACAT. Follow this link to find out more In Finland CAT has also developed very strongly over the past twenty years through the leadership of Professor Mikael Leiman and now through the FINCAT association which has a membership of 200. CAT has also developed over many years in Greece, Ireland, Spain and Australia.


What is CAT?


As an individual therapy CAT is a model of brief, focused and structured therapy which was developed in the public health service in the UK and in Finland, Greece, Ireland, Australia and Spain. Now it is developing more widely in Italy, New Zealand, Hong Kong, India, Poland and Chile. CAT helps link the relational origins of hard to change patterns of cognition, behaviour and emotion to the powerful way they are reproduced through interaction with self and others in the present. It uses maps of different states of mind and the patterns that connect or isolate them within the wider sense of self. It uses compassionate writing to describe the dance of these patterns internally, socially and interpersonally and to give meaning to their origins in the formation of a sense of self and social identity. As well as being a method of therapy, CAT is proving useful as a consultative method and as a means of relational skills training for people in a wide range of medical and health roles. In this context CAT has become a dialogic way of understanding the interaction of psychology and psychotherapy, and the relationships involved in the provision of care and treatment in mental health and health services more widely.


For more details generally about ICATA and the development of

CAT internationally please go to:


Archivos para descargar:

Icata_constitution_june_2009.pdf     (29k)

Icata_ethical_guidelines.pdf               (25k)

International_cat_training_guidelines_2010.01.pdf     (90k)

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